Results for 'Patrick Fidelis Kavanagh'

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  1.  27
    Becket & Henry: The Becket Lectures [Book Review].Patrick Kavanagh - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (4):502.
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    Steal This University: The Rise of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement.Benjamin Johnson, Patrick Kavanagh & Kevin Mattson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    _Steal This University_ explores the paradox of academic labor. Universities do not exist to generate a profit from capital investment, yet contemporary universities are increasingly using corporations as their model for internal organization. While the media, politicians, business leaders and the general public all seem to share a remarkable consensus that higher education is indispensable to the future of nations and individuals alike, within academia bitter conflicts brew over the shape of tomorrow's universities. Contributors to the volume range from the (...)
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    John Paul II’s fides et ratio and religious studies in india.Patrick Gnana - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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    Cracking the ANP32 whips: Important functions, unequal requirement, and hints at disease implications.Patrick T. Reilly, Yun Yu, Ali Hamiche & Lishun Wang - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (11):1062-1071.
    The acidic (leucine‐rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 kDa (ANP32) family is composed of small, evolutionarily conserved proteins characterized by an N‐terminal leucine‐rich repeat domain and a C‐terminal low‐complexity acidic region. The mammalian family members (ANP32A, ANP32B, and ANP32E) are ascribed physiologically diverse functions including chromatin modification and remodelling, apoptotic caspase modulation, protein phosphatase inhibition, as well as regulation of intracellular transport. In addition to reviewing the widespread literature on the topic, we present a concept of the ANP32s as having a whip‐like (...)
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    Gilles Routhier, Penser l'avenir de l'Église. Montréal, Éditions Fides, 2008, 155 p.Gilles Routhier, Penser l'avenir de l'Église. Montréal, Éditions Fides, 2008, 155 p. [REVIEW]Alain Patrick David - 2010 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 66 (3):631-633.
  6. Ethical Reflections on Artificial Intelligence.Brian Patrick Green - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (2):9-31.
    Artificial Intelligence technology presents a multitude of ethical concerns, many of which are being actively considered by organizations ranging from small groups in civil society to large corporations and governments. However, it also presents ethical concerns which are not being actively considered. This paper presents a broad overview of twelve topics in ethics in AI, including function, transparency, evil use, good use, bias, unemployment, socio-economic inequality, moral automation and human de-skilling, robot consciousness and rights, dependency, social-psychological effects, and spiritual effects. (...)
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    Patrick Masterson on Metaphysics for Philosophical Theology in advance.Craig Baron - forthcoming - Philosophy and Theology.
    This paper presents the novel and seemingly controversial philosophical theology of Patrick Masterson, who dares to connect metaphysics to phenomenology in the continental philosophy of religion. He boldly claims that God is Esse Subsistens, the self-subsistent unlimited act of existence that exists independently of any relation to human consciousness. The paper lays out the dialogue between Masterson’s Thomistic-inspired metaphysics and some of the major trends in the phenomenology of religion. Parallels between his project and Vatican I and Fides et (...)
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    Booknotes.Kevin Williams - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (3):547–550.
    In the sonnet Epic by Patrick Kavanagh, the poet wonders if it is justifiable to write about a quarrel in rural Ireland instead of about the Second World War. H.
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    An invitation to conventionalism: a philosophy for modern (space-)times.Patrick Dürr & James Read - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-55.
    Geometric underdetermination (i.e., the underdetermination of the geometric properties of space and time) is a live possibility in light of some of our best theories of physics. In response to this, geometric conventionalism offers a selective anti-realism, refusing to assign truth values to variant geometric propositions. Although often regarded as being dead in the water by modern philosophers, in this article we propose to revitalise the programme of geometric conventionalism both on its own terms, and as an attractive response to (...)
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    Legitimacy and Non-Domination in Solar Radiation Management Research.Patrick Taylor Smith - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (3):341-361.
    The environmental impacts of anthropogenic climate change, from an increase in global temperatures melting polar ice caps to the generation of extreme weather events, appear to be happening even mo...
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  11. A Path Analysis of Adolescent Athletes’ Perceived Stress Reactivity, Competition Appraisals, Emotions, Coping, and Performance Satisfaction.Darren M. Britton, Emma J. Kavanagh & Remco C. J. Polman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Ethics of Discernment: Lonergan's Foundations for Ethics.Patrick Hugh Byrne - 2016 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    In The Ethics of Discernment, Patrick H. Byrne presents an approach to ethics that builds upon the cognitional theory and the philosophical method of self-appropriation that Bernard Lonergan introduced in his book Insight, as well as upon Lonergan's later writing on ethics and values. Extending Lonergan's method into the realm of ethics, Byrne argues that we can use self-appropriation to come to objective judgements of value. The Ethics of Discernment is an introspective analysis of that process, in which sustained (...)
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    Kant, organisms, and representation.Patrick R. Leland - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 79:101223.
    Some interpreters claim Kant distinguishes between organisms and living things. I argue that this claim is underdetermined by the textual evidence. Once this is recognized, it becomes a real possibility that Kant’s various remarks about the essential properties of living things generalize to organisms as such. This, in turn, generates a puzzle. Kant repeatedly claims that the capacity for representation is essential to the nature of a living thing. If he does not distinguish between living things and organisms, then how (...)
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    Der Ordo-Gedanke unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Augustinus und Thomas von Aquino.Gregor Fidelis Gässler - 1994 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    What is spatial planning saying? A conceptual and methodological framework to assess the institutionalization of nature using critical discourse analysis.Rúben Mendes, Teresa Fidélis, Peter Roebling, Filipe Teles & Michael Farrelly - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (3):274-292.
    Spatial planning policies are fundamental blocks for the implementation of sustainable development goals. Still, despite the growing adoption of environmental proxies, as it is nature-based solutions, the study of their institutionalization in policy and spatial planning is in the early stages. Simultaneously, the use of discursive and interpretative methods to unfold the social structures related to environmental issues is growing, nonetheless, their application is more common to supranational narratives. This article proposes a conceptual and methodological approach to using critical discourse (...)
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    Die Provokation des Guten: Arendts philosophische Untersuchung zur Frage nach Schuld und Verantwortung unter der totalitären Herrschaft.Fidelis Regi Waton - 2016 - Berlin: Lit.
    = Klappentext: Die totalitäre Herrschaftsform des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war ein Alptraum für die Menschheit im Sinne des Wortes. Für sie ist der Mensch überflüssig. Auschwitz steht als Symbol und Chiffre der von ihr produzierten katastrophalen Tragödie. Wie konnte das geschehen? Wie war eine solche irrtümliche Blindheit möglich? Warum waren Menschen in der Lage, das radikal Böse in einer zivilisierten Gesellschaft zu tun? Mit ihrem Schlagwort der Banalität des Bösen entdeckte Hannah Arendt einen Schlüssel zur Erklärung dazu.
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    Is Political Liberalism Hostile to Religion?Patrick Neal - 2009 - In Shaun P. Young, Reflections on Rawls: An Assessment of his Legacy. Ashgate. pp. 153--176.
  18.  11
    Is Narrative Identity Four‐Dimensionalist?Patrick Stokes - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (3):E86-E106.
    The claim that selves are narratively constituted has attained considerable currency in both analytic and continental philosophy. However, a set of increasingly standard objections to narrative identity are also emerging. In this paper, I focus on metaphysically realist versions of narrative identity theory, showing how they both build on and differ from their neo‐Lockean counterparts. But I also argue that narrative realism is implicitly committed to a four‐dimensionalist, temporal‐parts ontology of persons. That exposes narrative realism to the charge that the (...)
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    The mismeasure of wealth: essays on Marx and social form.Patrick Murray - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    The Mismeasure of Wealth: Essays on Marx and Social Formgathers Patrick Murray's essays reinterpreting Marx and Marxian theory published since his Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge(1988), along with a previously unpublished essay and an introduction.
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    Can the muslim speak? An indebted critique.Patrick Wolfe - 2002 - History and Theory 41 (3):367–380.
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    Intellectualism and Moral Habituation in Plato's Earlier Dialogues.Patrick Yong - 1996 - Apeiron 29 (4):49 - 61.
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  22. Affects and passions.Patrick R. Frierson - 2014 - In Alix Cohen, Kant's Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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    L’invention du patient formateur : repenser l’ingénierie de formation et promouvoir le partenariat en santé.Patrick Lartiguet, Dominique Broussal & Michèle Saint-Jean - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):129-146.
    The participation of patients in the training of health professionals constitutes a paradigmatic break, not only with regard to what is going on in this particular field but also with regard to what can be observed in all training courses for the helping professions. The purpose of this article is to consider this mobilization of patient trainers both as an actual change and as a potential operator of change. To do this, we will rely on an intervention research aimed at (...)
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  24. Flowers as 'Free Beauties of Nature'.Patrick Hutchings - 1994 - Literature & Aesthetics 4:17-30.
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  25. The art of memory.Patrick Hutton - unknown
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  26. The Readymades of Marcel Duchamp: Cut Flowers or les fleurs du mal?Patrick Hutchings - 2000 - Literature & Aesthetics 10:31-50.
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    Concept attainment as a function of motivation and task complexity.Patrick R. Laughlin, Richard E. Chenoweth, Barbara B. Farrell & Joseph E. McGrath - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):54.
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    Concept identification as a function of sensory modality, information, and number of persons.Patrick R. Laughlin, Christine A. Kalowski, Mary E. Metzler, Kathleen M. Ostap & Saulene M. Venclovas - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (2):335.
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    L'ontologie mystique des fins dernières chez Madame Guyon.Patrick Laude - 1994 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 25 (2):183-198.
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  30. La perception du corps féminin dans le monachisme primitif.Patrick Laurence - 2007 - Iris 30:209-220.
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    Selection strategies in concept attainment as a function of number of persons and stimulus display.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3):323.
    The selection strategies of individuals and 2-person cooperative groups were investigated in 5 concept-attainment problems. 2 types of stimulus displays were used: (a) form displays, consisting of geometric forms varying in 6 attributes with 2 levels of each, (b) sequence displays, consisting of 6 plus and/or minus signs in a row. The arrangement of cards in the stimulus displays was ordered or random. The principal results were: (a) 2-person groups used the focusing strategy more, required fewer card choices to solution, (...)
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    The medical philosopher.Patrick Vauday - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:303-312.
    Resumen: Por medio de una revisión histórica de los vínculos establecidos entre la filosofía y la medicina, el presente articulo examina estas relaciones considerando cuatro aspectos; a) el problema del entendimiento de la vida que elabora la medicina y el determinismo presente en sus acciones científicas de conocimiento; b) la variable de indeterminación que la subjetividad humana introduce ante estos esfuerzos de objetivación; c) la noción de normatividad elaborada por G.Canguilhem, su presencia en la vida humana y en las manifestaciones (...)
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    The Three Pillars of Catholic Education.Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):7-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Three Pillars of Catholic EducationArchbishop Salvatore CordileoneIntroductionOn February 13, 1999, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger visited St. Patrick's Seminary and University in Menlo Park, California. He gave a lecture entitled, "Faith and Culture." Pope St. John Paul II had only back in September of the previous year published his momentous encyclical Fides et Ratio. Purposely placing his own remarks under the umbrella of that encyclical, Cardinal Ratzinger used the (...)
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  34. Can we have religion, politics, suffering and enemies, without harm?Patrick Downey - 2004 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 15 (1).
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  35. Practical ethics: Free range 'debate' puts the egg before the chicken.Patrick Stokes - 2013 - Australian Humanist, The 112:18.
    Stokes, Patrick The announcement that Woolworths will phase out the selling of cage eggs seems like pretty good news.
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    Le sens du travail à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle.Patrick Mardellat - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (3):237-253.
    L’IA révèle quelque chose sur le travail et la condition humaine que ne montraient pas pleinement les techniques antérieures, ce en quoi elle achève d’une certaine manière l’histoire des techniques. Ce qu’elle révèle, c’est la spécificité de l’intelligence humaine dans le travail collectif, qu’elle atteint au plus profond : à savoir la communication humaine et le fait que le travail est une expérience du temps. Il s’agit de formes d’une intelligence vivante ou vécue, dans lesquelles plonge le sens du travail. (...)
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    The Logic of Framework Transpositions.Patrick A. Heelan - 1971 - International Philosophical Quarterly 11 (3):314-334.
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  38. Richard Rorty's Pragmatism and the Social Sciences.Patrick Baert - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (1):139-149.
  39. Morality and personalism-a socio functional perspective on conflict of governance and politics in nigeria.AghameEu Fidelis Chuka - 2006 - In Ike Odimegwu, Philosophy and Africa. Awka, Nigeria: Department of Philosophy.
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    Libertà immanente e determinismo del tempo.Patrick Nerhot - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  41. The fragments of the work of Heraglitus of Ephesus, translated from the greek text of Bywater, with an introduction, historical and critical.G. Patrick - 1891 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 31:211-213.
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  42. (1 other version)The Psychology of Profanity.G. T. W. Patrick - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10:166.
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    Éloge des communs.Patrick Pharo - 2020 - [Paris]: PUF.
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    Talking to the Animals.Patrick Phillips - 1997 - Philosophy Now 18:5-9.
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    Morally Objectionable Options.Patrick A. Tully - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (3):491-504.
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    Descartes’s Provisional Morality.Patrick Brissey - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (4):615-636.
    Descartes claims in the Discourse on Method (1637) to have devised a morale par provision in 1619-20, but, later, in the Conversation with Burman (1648), he divulged that he “does not like writing on ethics,” asserts that his morale was hastily written immediately before the publication of the Discourse, and, even more striking, adds that he was “compelled” to include this content due to “people like the Schoolmen.” These facts have led commentators to be skeptical whether Descartes created his morale (...)
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  47. Passivity.Patrick Lyons - 2018 - In Christopher Langlois, Understanding Blanchot, understanding modernism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Black African traditional religions and philosophy: a select bibliographic survey of the sources from the earliest times to 1974.Patrick E. Ofori - 1975 - Nendeln: Kraus-Thomson.
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    Charles Taylor: Thinking and living deep diversity.Colin M. Patrick - 2003 - Ethics 113 (4):927.
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    Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Feminist Ethics (review).Patrick Shade - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (1):68-71.
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